More specifically, Apple will be rolling out an update for the iPhone 11, 12 and 13 later in the year. This update will come with said Precision Finding feature, which uses the phone’s sensors to detect unknown AirTags, and show you its direction and distance from the phone. This will allow people using the aforementioned iPhone models to find AirTags that are not theirs, even if they are modified tags that have had their speakers disabled. For stalker tags that have not been tampered with, Apple says that it will be making the unwanted tracking alert as loud as possible. Closer to the present though, Apple will be updating devices that can connect to its Find My Network. This is so that, if you’ve borrowed a pair of AirPods from a friend, they show up as just that instead of an “Unknown Accessory”. The company will also be adding a new warning during the initial AirTag setup, reminding poeple that they should not be used for stalking. (Source: Apple)

Apple To Introduce Precision Finding To Locate Unknown AirTags - 27