According to sources to Kotaku, a lot of Blizzard’s developers love the Niantic game, so it’s only natural that the next step was to make a game that’s similar in nature. Just based on the Warcraft lore, specifically. While it’s no surprise that Blizzard’s higher-ups would think that it’s a good idea, it just so happens that lead designer Cory Stockton is a fan of Pokémon Go. On top of that, he used to be part of the World of Warcraft team.

The game was described as having a lot more depth than the game it’s drawing inspiration from. It will also come with single-player mechanics, although what they are exactly was not described. Unfortunately, that’s about all the details regarding the Warcraft-themed Pokémon Go. Meaning that we’ll probably have to wait for an official announcement from Blizzard. (Source: Kotaku via The Verge)

Blizzard Reportedly Working On Mobile Warcraft Title  Will Play Like Pokemon Go - 33