The leaked images, which were originally posted on the Chiphell forums, were leaked online by a Chinese restaurant worker, who had reportedly managed to get his hands on eight Ryzen CPUs. To go into specifics, one of the images shows one of the Ryzen APUs in a delidded state, while the other is a close-up of the Ryzen 3200G, the lesser of the two SKUs. Luozhu also appears to be holding back some information about the two CPUs, stating that he will be releasing them on 27 May; the same day as AMD’s Computex keynote this year. In regards to performance, the Ryzen 3200G is expected to be about 10% faster than the Ryzen 2200G. While the performance of the Ryzen 3400G still remains shrouded in mystery.

Specs-wise, the Ryzen 3200G is expected to maintain the same 512 Radeon Vega GPU shaders, while its base and boost clockspeeds are expected to be slightly faster at 3.6GHz and 3.9GHz, respectively. Again, specifics for the Ryzen 3400G are still hazy, but given the specifications of the 3200G, it’s likely that it will also employ a similar layout as the Ryzen 2400G. Albeit with slightly better performance and clockspeeds. In any case, we do advise you to take this news with a pinch of salt, at least until AMD’s Computex keynote next month. (Source: Chiphell via Techspot // Image: Techspot)

Images Of AMD Ryzen 3200G and 3400G CPUs Leak Online - 89