The game follows a group of teenagers as they investigate a series of mysterious murders, where victims are found hanging from TV antennas. As is the Persona staple, they then head into an alternate dimension, called the TV World in this instance, with the ultimate goal of solving the murders.

First released in 2008, Persona 4 was first released for the PlayStation 2. Persona 4 Golden came four years later for the PlayStation Vita, featuring more content, including new characters. And eight years after that, it finally makes its way to PC via Steam. For those who have enjoyed it on the Vita, it’s also a bittersweet reminder of the company’s handheld. You can get Persona 4 Golden for RM79. You can also get the Digital Deluxe Edition, you’ll get a digital artbook and soundtrack, for an additional RM20. If you’ve never played the game when it was new, now’s a good opportunity to do so. (Source: Steam)

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