GamesBeat reports that SIE is now using the new label on a number of Steam pages. At the time of writing, the two existing former exclusives Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone are already labeling PlayStation PC LLC as its publisher. Ditto God of War that’s coming next year. This new PlayStation PC LLC publisher label feels like a confirmation of console exclusives becoming accessible to another market, even if not immediately. A frequently quoted statement by PlayStation head Jim Ryan in an interview with GQ is “There’s an opportunity to expose those great games to a wider audience and recognise the economics of game development, which are not always straightforward”. The exec certainly wants more people to experience PlayStation games. But despite selling faster than the PS4, not everyone who wants the PS5. This is largely due to the scalper problems that still plague the world, as well as the general semiconductor shortage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: Steam [1], [2], GamesBeat, GQ)

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