In an update for the Steam beta client, Valve says that it has added input support for the DualSense controller. But that’s about all that was added, as the company says rumble, trackpad and gyro support are not being supported just yet. The company is also fixing issues with the Xbox Series X controller showing up as two separate controllers.

It’s only natural that DualSense controller support has not yet been ironed out completely. After all, many markets have not even gotten the PS5, let alone its controller. Some markets, including ours, is expected to get it later than initially announced. And that’s not even taking available stock into consideration yet, which is extremely unfortunate. While DualSense compatibility with Steam is definitely a bonus, it’s one that we’ll have to wait for. And on that note, Valve did not mention when the full feature set will be available for the general public. Which is fine, since it’s a much less painful wait than the one for the actual PS5 console to be available here. (Source: Steam via PCGamesN)

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