The exact number of concurrent Steam users, to be accurate, was 19728027 users logged on at around 11pm last night. That’s an approximately one million more concurrent users, compared to last month’s 18801944 users. As for what titles were being played, Valve’s Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) was the title that sat at the top of the list, with more than a million players playing at the time. Coming in at second and third place was DOTA 2 and PUBG. Borderlands 3 was also listed in the top ten titles being played at the time, but surprisingly. The game peaked at just shy of 80000 players at sits at the bottom of the list. One possible, if not obvious reason behind the spike in concurrent Steam users can be attributed to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. As governments and offices around the world implement strict health and safety measures and people increasingly begin to work from the confines of their own homes, it’s unsurprising that many of those individuals would choose to spend their free time gaming. (Source: Steam via IGN)

Steam Statistics Reports Nearly 20 Million Concurrent Users  Breaks February 2020 Record - 97