The Philippine cable company in question is known as Orient Cable. According to the country’s local new agency, the station had aired a badly pirated version of Avengers: Endgame, just a day after the film hit cinemas in the country. Forgetting the fact that what Orient Cable did was just plain unfair to people who had yet to see the movie, it should come as no surprise that the act itself was highly illegal. By The Verge’s count, Orient Cable had broken three different federal laws. Including Property Code of the Philippines, the Anti-Camcording Act, and the Cybercrime Prevention Act.
To make matters worse for the cable company, a local movie theatre chain, Teatro de Dapitan is suing Orient Cable for its act of piracy and, while not mentioned, costing the company what could’ve been lucrative ticket sales for the film. At the time of writing, Orient Cable had not issued a statement about its blunder, neither has it commented on its breaking of the federal laws of the Philippines. (Source: The Verge, Techspot, Vice)