The first difference that hits you is just how much more vibrant and punchier the colours on the app is. Everything from the roads to the indicators now pops out. Even the flow of traffic on main roads are made to stand out, thanks to the addition of animation to the legend. The next major change you’ll notice is the revamped Waze Moods that users can use to express their current feeling on the road. By comparison, the new Moods are brighter and clearly more hilarious to both use and look at. But more importantly, their redesign definitely feels more personal.

More importantly, the revamped Waze also introduces a new “block by block” graphics system. Waze says that the new look was inspired by traditional maps and city streets. As per the developer’s description, “It uses an assortment of simple, geometric shapes to provide bold, branded graphics, divide compositions, and organise information. And much like Waze itself, it does all of that while creating some playful pit stops along the way.” The refreshed Waze app is already live, so if you’re already using the app but not seeing the changes, you’ll just need to update your app to see the changes. (Source: Waze)

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