The general story revolves around the twins, Jess and Soph Blazkowicz. Their father has gone missing, and in their quest to find him, they end up taking his place by raining down lead on the Nazis who get in their way. There are some RPG elements mixed in too, such as abilities, weapon attachments and other gadgets to be unlocked as you progress.

Since the story revolves round the twins, the singleplayer experience will have an AI companion following your lead as you progress through the story. In its intended multiplayer mode, another player will join you as you tear up Nazi-occupied Paris. And that’s where the brilliant Deluxe Edition comes in. While it does come with the usual cosmetic pack, one key addition to the package is something called a Buddy Pass. With it, you can allow a friend who doesn’t own the game to download and play with you. Only one friend may use it at a time, but you can reissue it to as many friends as you like. Wolfenstein: Youngblood is scheduled to launch on 26 July 2019, on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. The standard edition is priced at US$29.99 (~RM122), while the Deluxe Edition with the Buddy Pass has a US$39.99 (~RM163) price tag. (Source: Bethesda)

Wolfenstein  Youngblood Features Co op Multiplayer And A Brilliant Deluxe Edition - 76