Zack Snyder made his online presence known recently when he sat down to discuss the Ultimate Edition of Batman v Superman on his Vero account. Following the recent trend of filmmakers conducting commentaries for their films, the director decided to do the same since everyone is in isolation and doing everything they can to stay sane. During one segment of the video (via The Hollywood Reporter), the director lassoed onto Wonder Woman, dropping the bombshell that concepts had actually been done whereby Diana was going to be involved in the Crimean War or the American Civil War instead of WWI. Now, to give you guys a flash history lesson, the Crimean War was fought in the mid-19th century during which the Russian Empire was defeated by an alliance which consisted of the French, British, and Ottoman Empire. The American Civil War, on the other hand, sprung out of a civil rights movement and lasted for four years between 1861 and 1865. During this era, photography had already been utilised in conflicts like these, which was something Snyder pointed out because… you know, Bruce Wayne finds an old picture of Diana during the events of his movie.

Snyder noted how he wanted Bruce to find a photograph instead of a painting to showcase her longevity. A painting could have been done at any time of her life, but a dated photo would have more of an impact on the viewer since it is proof of her immortal legend. So, how did the movie end up with the WWI photo? Apparently, at the time of BvS’s production, the writing for Patty Jenkin’s film had not been completed. When the WWI premise was finally revealed, Snyder altered the photo into what became the final product. Gal Gadot will be seen next in the sequel to her solo outing in August. Wonder Woman 1984 was set to open in June of this year but had to push back due to the raging Coronavirus pandemic. In the meantime, we could always sit around and imagine what it would be like if Diana Prince had fought for liberty in the Crimean War, or the Revolutionary War, or the Battle of Yavin (Happy April Fools!), or the #JusticeLeagueSnyderCut…

Zack Snyder Discusses Wonder Woman in BvS Commentary - 20